Have you ever thought about creating icons for your desktop by using your own image files? With ezImage2Icon it is possible. The only thing you need to do is to drag the image files you want to convert to the main window of ezImage2Icon, select the icon size, color, width, height, and transparency. You can preserve the original size of the image but it is better to select one of the suggested ones, e.g. 16x16, 64x64, 256x256, because they will be reduced anyway. Also, you can preserve the original image color or set monochrome option, 4, 8, 24, or 32 bits. The icon transparency can be as the original or you can use top, bottom, left, or right pixel colors, or even a custom color. All images selected for conversion are saved in the output folder. Finally, there are two drawbacks that I'd like to mention, the first is that very large images are not allowed. The second is a minor bug: When specifying the conversion parameters, it allows you to select two or more icon sizes, but it actually produces only one icon per image.